Tom Felton has just tweeted a picture of himself and Daniel Radcliffe from today’s Cricket match. I seriously just typed Quidditch on accident.

Tom also had this to say about the match:
What a day! Witnessed history! Met @bumblecricket David Lloyd! Great guy! Fantastic, from England, sun was shining; we deserved to win xxx
There we were! What a day! X
For those who have never seen the oval in all it’s glory x
Had the pleasure of chatting with @Aggerscricket today as well. What a gentleman, What a day! Still hasnt sunk in yet x

Thanks, Tom!
Can exorbitantly rich movie stars not afford good quality cameras?
looks like u guys r havin fun.hw i nv u. i wish i cud hav a day off& watch cricket.
so cuteee…!! dan is so short O_O OmG…
They looked like they had a great time! I’m glad for them. 🙂
What a lovely picture of the both of them. I love Tom’s smile, it’s nothing short of adorably charming
omg there besties 🙂 awww dan is so short :}
Aww, best buddies! But Tom is way hotter, no offense dan.
This friendship of theirs has its place into my heart. Nothing could make me more happier than seeing them smiling so happily to have spent a such good time together.
With Love,
Ohh my boys, three more missing– phelps twins and my sweetest rupp <3 him