Happy Birthday, Tom! We here at Feltbeats.com would like to wish you all the best on this, your Golden Birthday! We know you love your favorite number, and now you’re it!
Because we don’t do anything by halves, the Feltbeats Army made a special mission out of your special day, and I’m very proud of our girls for everything they’ve come up with.
From across the globe, the FA sent in their gifts for you. From Australia, Japan, Russia, Greece, Germany, Belgium, France, Canada, the USA, Brazil, and many more between, we hope you enjoy what we came up with. Happy Birthday, doll! xxx
This birthday brought to you by the number 22 is brought to you by:
Lilyginny27, Aeryn Black, Cazling, Aintallclocked, SouthernBets, AvantLAube, Belinda, Bianca Jensen, LynDoug, Rotae, Diletta Shakespeare, Dylane, Fabiana Kawazoe, Going_under, Immortalisxamor, Jackie Sullivan, Jessica Stanton, LadyBelle22, MarianneC, Niamh, Noodles, Shanajaca, Snatalia, Valeri, Sweetthing10, Gnzlgrl52, Sarah Allwarden, Amelia Allwarden, Gidge_8, Lúin, Miss Awesome, BarbieGurl69, Katie.Maire.Malfoy, Lilluna246, Eva Šmahliková, Tick Tock, Lumalfoy, Ludy Santanax, Krazy Editor, Katherina Einhaus, Looney_Lau, Ellie, Thamy Ventura, Aimee McKinney, Mitzie, Kamen Yip, Kait Guarnera, Soyokaze Yuzu, Emi Maren, Elijahdavidsmom, X Ingles , Ameren88, Daiva88, Decemberskye, 4privetdrive, Moonbird, Pink_traffic, Yana, Tosha, Why2snow, Sassi, XxFriendxX, Victoriajohanna, Kylie, Ilovetom, Leolovesmusic, Karytogarmart, Mani Saythongphet, Lexie Ann Malfoy, Paola Morales B., Cialina, Shutupvictoriya, Izzi, Xxbluemoonxx, Tiffany, Littleroo27, Fenja24, Irooloo, JFemme, Laci Law, Tam Tran, and all the rest of us here at Feltbeats.com.
Happy Birthday, Tom!
happy b-day Tom!
have fun in our big day!!
A Very Happy Birthday! Another year older = my insane crush is less creepy and wrong.
Woohoo! Happy 22nd, Tom! We love you. 🙂
& BTW – you keep looking better with age. 🙂
Happy Birthday Tom!
Oh, this turned out lovely! Thanks so much lilyginny27 for putting it all together! <3
What an amazing world we live in, people! Just look at all those brilliant places! And all those beautiful people coming together in celebration all across the globe <3
Happy Birthday, Tom! Welcome to 22!
Happy Birthday Tom! I hope all your birthday dreams and wishes come true. A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip. We love u <3
Happy Bday Tom!!
I hope you succeed in everything you set your mind and enjoy this great day with all your friends
From: Venezuela!!
OMG so beautiful… I loved!
22 is really a magic number
Happy B’Day Tom. Have a nice day^^!
Great work you guys! I think the tribute is lovely.
And of course Happy Birthday to Tom!
You guys are all so awesome for doing this for him!
Fab vid guys. Well done!
Happy Birthday Tom! 🙂
Happy birthday tom !!
we love you!!
Hello Tom,
happy 22nd Birthday.
Have a nice day.
I wish you a 100 years of happiness, great health, love, good luck, good fun, smile on your face & may all your dreams come true.
from: Poland.
love ya. 🙂
Happy Birthday Tom! I hope the birthday faeries are good to you. xxx
And well done & thank you to lilyginny27 for putting this together.
Happy 22nd Birthday.
Wish you’re happy and healthy.
Happy Birthday Tom.. hope you gonna have a great next Year full of joy and happiness.
Happy 22th birthday !!!
Happy 22nd birthday Tom!!
happy bday tom!
Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday, Tom!
May your wishes and dreams come true, may you succeed in all your career’s plans, let them be music and films, and may you become wiser across life’s plenty experiences this one’s to offer!
With Love,
Feltbeats Army Rocks! That was a beautiful birthday tribute made for a beautiful person. Happy Birthday Tom! May you always be blessed with a lovely life.
Happy 22nd Birthday Tom!!
Hope you enjoy it to the fullest! : )
From: Tiffany
Happy Birthday Dear Tom!!!
Happy birthday, Tom!
Happy 22nd Birthday Tom!!!
From: Russia
We Love you!))
We Love U
Happy birthday TOM!!
Have a very happy and special 22nd birthday Tom!!
Until your next birthday, I wish you: 12 months of health, 52 weeks of luck, 365 days of peace,
8760 hours of love and
525600 minutes of happiness :]
With love,
Happy birthday Tom!!
um… i love you♡
happy birthday
Oh bravo guys! Fabulous 22’s in there.
Happy Birthday, Tom! Тебя любят и в России!!!!!!!!!!!
happy birthday tom!! :))
happy happy birthday tom!!!!
hope you read this and all. just wish you more happiness and love!
have fun in cabo!!
happy birthday TOM!))))) =)
Thanks to lilyginny for her hard work in putting this together. 🙂
So glad I got the chance to participate!
Feliz Aniversário Tom! Happy Birthday Tom!
22 is a magic number! So have a great magic birthday hun!!!!
Thanks for the video lilyginny it was great to be part of it! 🙂
Happy birthday, Tom ! I wish you all the best in life !
happy birthday loove(: sigh.he’s getting so old:( I remember when he was sixteen
..*sigh* Tom if ur reading this I love u.lol. x
happy birthday ,Tom !! ^^
YAY! it’s the day god graced us with your perfection tom! happy birthday X 1,000,000! unfortunately you share a birthday with this creepy person i know named joe vilari. he is so weird! he used to obsess over me! not kidding! anyway, happy birthday!
Happy 22nd Birthday Tom! Have a great day!
happy birthday tommy felton. i wish your good luck and long life. love you and live happily.
The video is awesome!! Big thank to lilyginny27 for putting it altogether.I am glad I could contribute with three pictures myself. 🙂
Tom, I wish you a very happy 22nd birthday. I hope you have a great day and enjoy the celebration. 😀
Greetings from Prague,
Best wishes to you on your birthday, Tom.
Thanks for sharing yourself with all of us.
Much love and appreciation,
Denton, Texas
Happy Birthday Tom!!! love ya!
This turned out great! Lilyginny did a fabulous job putting it all together.
Have a great birthday, Tom!
Happy birthday Tom! I sent a fan letter for you yesterday. …
Please have a good day!
Amazing video.. great job!! Happy Borthday Tom!! I hope you are having the time of your life!
Liliginny your amazing woman! Great job:)
Hope you’re having a wonderful birthday!
All my best wishes to you,
and God bless you always (=
We want some cake!! XD
Hugs from México City!
P.D. (here it’s 8:00am LOL)
Lovely video.
The photos are all so great! I love them. And great job, lilyginny, big thanks again! And of course, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOM!!!
Hi Tom! HAAAAAAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! 🙂 Hope you have a great birthday, u deserve it! U have no idea how much gratitude we have for u. I was sooo happy to find out that u were in orlando to know that u were only 4 hours away (i live in miami) haha! So i wish u the best and God b less u
Happy birthday, Tom!! Have a great day!! Kisses from Croatia!! 🙂
Happy Birthday Tom!
And wonderful job on the video Lily! Thank you for this fantastic idea.
Love the Sesame Street reference 😉
LOL, posted 2 things about tom’s birthday on twitter and always had 22 letters to write left. 😀
i’ll b singin ur songs all day!!!
Happy birthday Tom! Whatever you have planned for today, I hope you’ll be happy and safe! Continue on smiling! Blessed be!
Hoping you read this,
From a remote place in Davao City, Philippines, Southeast Asia,
whoa! my pic is the 1st thing you see. that’s me & my kiddo with young Bill Gates incase you were wondering! awesome job lilyginny27!!! Happy birthday Tom.
happy birthday tom felton
Hey little boy! Happy Birthday to you! I’m sure you receive many flying hugs and kisses from FANGIRLS and FANBOYS 😀 We <3 Tom Felton 🙂
happy bday Tom!! I really hope that you have a nice birthday 🙂 btw love your songs
Happy birthday, Tom! What a fantastic video! I am actually surprised that mine was the only wedding cocktail napkin, I was sure someone else had already thought of it! (I guess getting married on the 22nd helps, huh!)
I´m so happy that you guys have done this video for Tom ♥♥♥ I hope he have a really GREAT B-DAY and you guys from Feltbeats are awesome!!!! LOT OF LOVE FOR TOM!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥ I love him so much…!!! =D
Wow I love it…!!
great job with the video…!!
hugs from Guatemala! 🙂
Lily thanx for the great idea! 🙂
Tommy HAPPY B-DAY! I love ya!!!!!!!! <3<3<3
If I could be anywhere with you, I wish that I could be with you to celebrate your birthday today. Happy birthday, sweetheart.LOL and LAH
Wow! that video is absolutely adorable. What sweet, wonderful pictures! Special thanks to lilyginny27 and all the crew who put this together!!! What a feel good kind of gift and so nice to see all the other feltbeats members in there in such fun ways!
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How beautiful,how wonderful!
I am so happy!
Happy Birthday Tom!
hahaha, that was really fun to watch 😀
yeah, lilyginny27 did a really really good job! thank you!
and happy birthday, tom!
Congratulations Tom:
I wish you happy birthday, I hope you have much more days like this.
Its 22 years of time well spent.
I love you; my best wishes are for you.
Hugs and kisses too.
Oaxaca, Mexico
September 22, 2009 (The best day of the world just because of you).
P.D.: Hopping to see you one day
Happy 22nd birthday Tom! x3 (:
You all did a great job on the video, it’s really sweet 🙂
Happy 22nd Birthday Tom!! Hope you’re enjoying your golden birthday!
The video looks great! Thanks to everyone who participated and special thanks to Lilyginny27 for the idea and putting it all together. =)
wonderful video!
happy birthday tom 🙂
Happy birthday tom!
Happy Birthday Tom! My best of wishes to you. I hope you have an AWSOME day! 22 years of time which was deffinately well spent.
Happy birthday Tom <3.Best wishes for you :).kisses from croatia
Fantastic video!
And once again,Happy Birthday Tom! Hope all your birthday wishes came true!! 😀
Happy Birthday Tom (: «3
I AM 14
Happy Birthday Tom! Hope you have a good day 😀
Happy 22nd birthday Tom! Best wishes from Brunei.
Happy 22nd Birthday Thomas, from everyone here at Green Wood Cottage and from me. 😀
OMG!!! u did a great job!! i LOVE it! it’s amazing!! =’D
Tom and this video make my whole day =D
I ♥ Tom!
Brunei, eh? The pics I’ve seen and articles I’ve come across show Brunei as a very beautiful place! Your weather too is enviable. *sigh* one day…
HAPPY 22nd BRITHDAY, TOM! I LOVE YOU! <3 you are so amazing and I feel so happy for you. I hope you have an amazing time in Mexico~ps you are SO AMAZING! 😀 <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 May God Bless you, with TONS OF LOVE, Mkay (your biggest fan!)
С днем рождения!!!
Pingback: Love from the ether: A Birthday Round Up
felis aniversario tom que vc seja muito feliz e comsiga todos seus objetivos ti amo lindO!!!!
felis aniversario lindo que deus senpre ilumine seu caminho te amo
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Love, Michaela XXX
Haha thanks..Yeah, it’s incredibly peaceful here. You should totally come over :), anyone from around the world is welcomed to come here.
i’m late but here goes something:
hope it’s a good one!
oł, zapomniała ;p wszystkiego najlepszego kochany 🙂 😉 ;**
Happy Happy Birthday Tom!! (a little late I know)Hope you had a good one
if you did delete my stuff when i will fuck tom felton stay away of you jade! haha! it i want to! bye!
happy birthday tom felton,and take
avada kedavra