Thanks to Estrella89san and her fellow admins at TomFeltonFans_ for a scan of Tom from the latest issue of BRAVO magazine. The German magazine stated how Tom enjoyed his Miami holiday and is still filming Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in which Part 1 is due out later this year.

In addition to this fabulous scan, we were also treated with some new photos of Tom from March 2009, when he attended the Jameson Empire Awards in London. This year’s award ceremony is still in the voting stages, and whether Tom will be in attendance at this years event is anyone’s guess. We’ll let you know when we know.
You can see the rest of the new photos from this event here in our photo gallery.
[New Post] An Empirical BRAVO for Tom Felton…
Great post!
Very nice pics from the Empire awards. I love when he smiles with his teeth 🙂
Thanks for posting! It’s good to see nice articles!
Well, they only celebrate it (old times). (I always appear here with clear identity (never without any name).
West media … not influenced too much to me!
I am so happy for my life and myself.
Hope Allah (my God) with me!
For FeltBeats,
Neverty Agisti Turaz
In addition, they had showed low morality that not supposedly to be done by any role model.
Thumbs down!
Like this post=)) they’re young and they’re happy…Think that’s great and hope they’ll be together for a very long time.They’re a nice young couple))))
“they only celebrate it (old times)”
For information, the word “they” refers to “infotainments”. Really!
I am not interested to see news like this again.
No matter you agree with me or not.
Oh yeah, I put high price for my opposite gender.
If a man wants to kiss me, that man must marry with me first. Or that never happens! An ordinary thing for Muslimahs on this world and heavens.
I am not interested in seeing news like this again.
No matter you agree with me or not.
Oh yeah, I put high price for my opposite gender.
If a man wants to kiss me, that man must marry with me first. Or that never happens! An ordinary thing for Muslimahs on this world and heavens.
Coincidentally, double posted.
True. Thomas really had enjoyed his holiday in Miami, the “Sooo happy” statement reflects the reality, for once. As I had said into the gallery, I love the middle shot featured into the article. It’s the best one!
With Love,
If you don’t want to see news like this again, then you better not visit this website.
I really cannot see how showing that they belong with each other could be wrong.
And just in case Neverty Agisti Turaz happens to be your name, spreading personal info on the net is not always the cleverest thing to do.
aaaw I luv Jade’s outfit!! Stylin’ lolz. Tom looks FABulous 😀
Luv ya TONS, Tom!
Your biggest fan, Mkay<3 xxx
MrsTuraz, what you said it’s perfect for your society and religion. It would be wrong if a muslim act like that, but european or american people have been educated in an other way. There’s nothing wrong with a kiss for us. Some things are wrong for us and right for you and viceversa. The important thing is respect.
I still visit this website only to know whether this site has made new useful news or not, those are useful for teenagers and all global societies.
Excuse me for those who disagree with me!
A man must respect girl to do not kiss any girl before marriage and vice verca.
That’s what I was going to say.
Once again Bravo mag refers to Jade as Olivia! (look at the inset at the top). I wonder why?