Video + Photos of Tom Felton’s Panel at Emerald City Comicon and more pics with fans

Tom Felton was at Emerald City Comicon last weekend. Here are some photos of him with fans and during his panel from Sunday.

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You can watch the panel on .

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– It’s Tom Felton’s first trip to Seattle

– “I knew nothing of the character. I still don’t. They keep me very much in the dark.” Tom Felton on The Flash’s Julian

– “I literally run around the Cortex, taking pictures of myself next to #TheFlash suit.”

– Clare: “If Julian were to get sorted into any Hou…” Tom Felton: “Slytherin. That’s going to be my answer for all my characters.” #TheFlash

– “I say whatever you’re passionate about, it should be celebrated.” Tom Felton on fandom

– “I celebrate love of all kinds.” Tom Felton on #Drarry

– “What would I want to steal? Radcliffe.” Tom Felton on what he stole/would want to steal from the #HarryPotter sets

– #AlanRickman “was a wonderful, wonderful man. It did take me 6 yrs to say anything to him because he was bloody terrifying.”

– “He had an incredibly good sense of humor … and an even better ability to not show it.” Tom Felton on Alan Rickman

– “They’re so creative and in the realm of the show, anything could happen. You could die 3x & come back as an elephant.” Tom Felton #TheFlash

– “I’ll keep that in mind and campaign for my love for Barry.” Tom Felton on Caitlin’s romantic track record on #TheFlash

via Clare Kramer‘s Twitter Account.

BTW, during his panel, he mentioned a new film project after finishing The Flash.
We are curious. 🙂

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