Beyond the Wand is an insightful look into the private parts of growing up in the public eye. Tom does a wonderful job taking readers throughout his acting journey, while never forgetting where he came from or his desire to maintain a normal life.
The majority of the book is a lighthearted glimpse of not only the roles that have shaped his career, but also the actors that have helped shape his life. We are privileged to get a taste of his moments spent with the creme de la creme of British acting royalty and the lessons he learned from them over the years.
Some stories we have heard before whether online or through his numerous convention appearances. Some are completely new. Be prepared to be bowled over with laughter as well as shocked by some of the activities Tom got up to growing up. In the end, these little moments are what makes him the man everybody loves today!
Where I am most proud of Tom is the last few chapters. He has always been a great support to those battling with mental health. To see him be so brutally honest about his own struggles is to be commended. There is no glossing over his issues he has fought here, and by being so open while discussing them it may help someone else in the same situation not feel so alone.
The Memoir Tom has created here goes far beyond Harry Potter. The love for his family, co-stars, and fans ooze out of every page. As with everything he does, what you see is what you get and that is truly magical! – Lori
“Beyond the Wand- the Magic & Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard” is a heartfelt peek behind the curtain of the magical world of the Harry Potter films and Tom Felton’s life journey, so far.
It’s a joy to read about the relationships he made, how these relationships affected him, and how British filmmakers protect their child actors and let them be kids first. The snippets of time we get to experience with him, especially with those actors who have since passed, make those of us who only know them from their characters feel a bit more connected.
There are ‘laugh out loud’ and ‘jaw drop’ moments, but it is the laid-bare, vulnerable parts where Tom shares his struggles with mental health, loneliness, loss, and addiction that are the real story here. His rollercoaster ride of highs and lows, the people who supported and loved him through it all, and the acknowledgement that mental health is a continuous process help us better understand his celebrity and who he is, or rather- who he has evolved into.
A broomstick ride through the memories of someone who has experienced much in his 35 years and has finally figured out what it means to be a rich man. – BG