Tom Felton is ready for the Letterman show!

Earlier today, Tom arrived at the CBS studios for the taping of the Lake Show with David Letterman. Here he is arriving to hoards of screaming fans!

Later, Tom tweeted a picture of himself getting read for the show. It should be fun – be sure to check it out tonight! It airs in most U.S. markets at 11:35 p.m. Eastern/Pacific time. We will certainly have an illegal or possibly legal version of it sometime after.

And after taping the show, he participated in one of the most American-ist of activities there is, eating a hot dog while singing, “Party in the USA.” (We can only assume.)

Ready for Another?: More Videos of Tom Felton on Red Carpet for HPDHP2

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then how many words are videos worth?

> From ledueserpi, a fan video of Tom Felton singing autographs:

> The next two vids are from mikethefanboy. The first one is just Tom Felton walking down and, like the last video, signing autograph. Poor guy, someone give him a handkerchief to wipe his brow.

> Although we are all anxiously awaiting footage from our own Feltbeats reporters, mikethefanboy has taped some footage that, hopefully, will tide us over. In this clip, two of our very own get to chat with Tom Felton:

> Lastly, for now, a couple of days ago we posted video from the Apple Store Event, but ArikaGrangerMalfoy has posted video that, I think, has a tiny bit better sound quality:

As always, thanks to the uploaders. Keep ’em comin’!

Rumors of Tom Felton’s Rap Career’s Demise Have Been… Well, Overly *Under*exaggerated

I’m sure many of you have seen the recent news that Tom Felton was apparently due to become the next 50-Cent… except… he’d probably be something like 50-Quid or, if he was going to become a Harry Potter Musician, 50-Knuts (I think that’s a very rapper name, don’t you? Fits well with all kinds of wonderful stereotypes]. The fast-talk/poetry take over, however, seems to have been a few knuts short of a Bertie-Botts-Every-Flavour-Forbidden-Forest-Trail-Mix — What a mouthful (See what I did there?). [Dragon Dung cashews anyone? Hide-of-Centaur peanuts? Will you ever eat cashews or peanuts again, I wonder (I don’t, really…)?].

Where did I get this reliable sort of information? Well, from the lips of the would-be rapper himself, o’ course. Fiddy-Quid/Knuts (He’s going to be trans-magical-barrier, incidentally) said that, just like actual rap (I’m trying to be as politically incorrect as possible here. Also, the emphasis below is mine):

“I can only think that it was an attempt at dry wit that went completely over their head. I don’t know. Needless to say, I’m not planning on taking the UK grime scene by storm.”

The Hollywood Reporter then asked him, if he was going to be a rapper, what would his name be? Tom Felton replied:

“I have no idea. That’s a good question, I’ll think about it”

All I can say is I’ve got two names ready for the taking. He doesn’t even have to ask. So go ahead, Tom, go over the humanly-possible-talking-speed-limit and wow us with your warp-speed poetry.

I have a last lingering question, however: if one were to take the UK Grime scene by storm, would it still be called a “Grime” scene if the grime all gets washed away by the rain? What if it was acid rain. The Acid Rain scene… I think I like that.

Well, here we are again, Avada Kedavra-ing rumors! They call us Felt-Ninjas by nightfall. We have six strings for our ironically-silent weapons.


Tom Felton Proposes “Potter Anonymous” for the world AP

Josh Horowitz from MTV interviews Tom Felton on the red carpet. As per usual, the interview is quite entertaining.

In it, Tom Felton proposes “Potter Anonymous” for the cast AP. That’s After Potter, or AP-ocalypse. Which ever you deem more worthy. But… check it: PA for AP. It’s like chiasmus. But not really.

If you haven’t already seen the “Speaking American” clip in our previous post, here you go: