What’s Tom Felton’s Line? Video!

Thanks to Snitchseeker, we now have the clip of Tom Felton on “What’s My Line?”

Basically, the show is a kind of hot/cold game where contestants try to… Guess who (without all the murder and mayhem ;)).

I can’t seem to get the code for the video, so click the picture below and you will be transferred to Snithseeker’s page.


Also, be sure to check back with us for more updates on Red Nose Day. On March 18th, Tom Felton will be doing a Comedy Skit with Rupert Grint on the special that will be aired on television.  If anyone can tape that footage for us, that would be fantastic! Thanks.



Thanks again to Snitchseeker for the clip and info!


Tom Felton Talks Tears, Awkward Handshakes, Draco’s Journey, and Music

Thanks to the Brazlilian Youtube Channel ScarPotterTube we now have another interview of Tom Felton at ComicCon. He talks about the end of Harry Potter [he gets teary, bless him], Draco’s Journey in the last Harry Potter installments, and his music and work with, and without, Six String Productions.

Thanks to ScarPotterTube, MTV, and SnitchSeeker.

Everyone, Enjoy!

FINALLY! A Clip of Tom Felton in Second Sight!

With only our greatest thanks to KsuhaJade I now present to you a couple of scenes of Tom Felton in the much mysterious Second Sight TV movie that Tom Felton was in [I’m not sure if it’s in sync, and I think it’s slightly zoomed in, too, but it’s way better than a couple of pictures, yeah?]:

ENJOY, everyone.

Anyone have Home Farm Twins clip(s) out there? Any other clips of Tom in Second Sight [either the first or second one]? Be sure and let us know.