Celebrate the Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter at BIG SCREEN on 14th August 2011

This is not directly Tom related, but as many of you are Harry Potter fans, we thought you might be interested.

There is going to be an amazing live show at BIG SCREEN on 14th August 2011 to celebrate the Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter

“The show will not only provide fans of the film series a unique look behind the magic of the films but will also hosted by a very special guest and will have attendance of some of the cast and crew. We will also be revealing some very exciting details in relation to the new studio tour.”

There are still tickets on sale at £10 (although they are selling fast!!) only available at this direct link – http://www2.seetickets.com/bigscreenlive/price3.asp?code=575098&filler1=id1bigscreen&filler2=multiid1bigscreen&type=Sessions&dpts=&filler3= You need to select. FX INDIGO: 16:30-17:15 MAKING OF Harry Potter

They will also be conducting a special giveaway of two tickets to the Harry Potter Event today at 5pm (GMT) on the Big Screen Facebook Page www.facebook.com/EmpireBIGSCREEN so people can have a chance to win tickets there.

Good Luck to anybody entering!