Tom Felton announced to attend Indiana Comic Con

Tom has been announced to attend Indiana Comic Con this April.

The convention takes place at the Indianapolis Convention Centre, and Tom is listed as attending on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th.

Tom Felton

Entry tickets are available for purchase on the convention’s website, and children under 12 are free. Autographs are $80 & Photo-Ops are $80 (cash only)


Please note!
As always, there is always the chance of cancellation
due to work or personal commitments.


Sixty Seconds with Tom via Metro Newspaper UK

Tom was recently interviewed by Metro Newspaper UK on a variety of topics including his new film Ophelia, Emma Watson, whether he would play Draco again, and his upcoming roles.

Excerpts from the interview are below, and you can read the full article here.

So what’s your new film Ophelia about?

It’s a retelling of Hamlet through the eyes of Ophelia. The language is somewhere between old and new, which I think really helps brings a whole new audience to Shakespeare without them feeling like they’ve got to check the dictionary every two minutes. And this is definitely the right time for the retelling of a great story through the eyes of a female lead. This is the time for men to back down and start to appreciate the talent of some of the ladies out there.

Are you Hamlet?

No, I am Laertes, who is bit of a sweetheart. He’s Ophelia’s brother and he doesn’t want his sister [played by Daisy Ridley] getting into too much trouble.

Who from the Potter cast are you most in touch with?

I’ve seen quite a lot of Emma [Watson, who played Hermione] recently so it would probably be her.

Rumour says you’re an item. Any kissing?

No. Or rather, no comment.

You’ve taught Emma to play the guitar and to skateboard. What next?

I’m slowly working through every category! She teaches me just as much so it’s a pretty equal contribution. We’re both very passionate people about different things and we’re always trading war stories and whatnot.

If there’s a movie of, say, Harry Potter And The Cursed Child, would you return as Draco?

Of course I would! I miss the guy. He’s great. He’s so much fun to play so I’d jump at the chance of revisiting him. And I’m definitely hoping I get to play older Draco as the years go on. I have a good feeling.

What are you up to next?

I’ve just finished a film in Vancouver for Netflix called A Babysitter’s Guide To Monster Hunting. I get to play the monster. It was a lot of prosthetics and make-up and wigs, and oh my God, it was so much fun! And now I’m about to go and do a World War II film that I’m really passionate about and I’m also looking after this sodding one-year-old Labrador who is slowly eating everything in my house. She’s called Willow and she’s my heart and soul.

Secret Birthday Business!

Tom’s (32nd!) birthday is next month, and we are pleased to announce that Random Acts of Felton is back for another year!

We believe Tom is someone who always brings light and cheer into the hearts of his fans and those around him. He is giving and kind to everyone he meets – and we feel like spreading that spirit as far as possible!

So, we’re asking fans to commit a Random Act of Kindness in the Tom Felton spirit, and this year we’re trying something different, and are going to be hosting it on our new Instagram account.

  • How to submit:
    1. Post a photo/video on Instagram to your public profile with the details of your Random Act in the description
    2. Add the hashtag #feltbeats32
    3. Tag our account – @official_feltbeats
    4. We will create an Instagram story for Tom on his birthday that includes all the posts

What is a Random Act of Felton?

Here are some amazing ideas for Random Acts that fans did last time we ran this project:

– Fans donated money to animal shelters
– Posted flyers around their school with positive affirmations to give to friends
– Baked cakes and food for others, helping to cheer them up
– Volunteered their time for good causes

NOTE: The deadline is September 22nd (Tom’s birthday. And because Instagram has a highlight limit, we’re only going to be posting Random Acts of Felton. If you just want to wish Tom a happy birthday, please feel free to tag him in your posts, but we will not be putting it on our story. Thanks for understanding 🙂

New Photos of Tom Felton as Laertes, and Russian, Australian, Release Dates for Ophelia

Кино-Театр have uploaded many photos for the upcoming release of Ophelia. Tom is featured as Laertes, the titular character’s brother. The film is set for a July 25 release in Russia, and an August 1st release through Madman Films in Australia.

Character photos, behind the scenes shots, and screen caps from the movie can be seen below.

**Please note that these images could contain spoilers for the film**