Tom Felton announced for the Giffoni Film Festival & will be honored with the GEA

Tom Felton will appear at the 45th edition of the Giffoni Film Festival.


The Giffoni International Film Festival in Italy is the largest children’s film festival in Europe. The festival takes place from July 17 to July 26 in the little Italian town of Giffoni Valle Piana in Campania, Southern Italy and according to their official site , Tom will be there on 21st July.

Tom will be honored with the Giffoni Experience Award !

Tom Felton, will appear at the 45th edition of the Giffoni Film Festival, which runs July 17 – 26 in Giffoni Valle Piana (Sa). The British actor, best known for his portrayal of Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter film series, will meet the festival’s International Jury of Youth and receive the “Giffoni Experience Award”on July 21.


11536125_10153437536108832_2692520796079248396_nAs always, please keep in mind that appearances are always subject to change and there is always the chance of cancellation due to work or personal commitments. Please keep that in mind when planning your trip to Giffoni Valle Piana.

Photos of Tom Felton at the red carpet premiere of ‘Tomorrowland’ in Tokyo

Today was the red carpet premiere of George Clooney’s movie “Tomorrowland” in Tokyo. As we announced, Tom attended the premiere.

Here are some pics of him on the red carpet:

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More pics in our gallery. Thanks to all for the pics!

We also have a video:

トムを必死で呼ぶカメラマンさん #TomFelton

Ein von kayo*M (@kayoyonbatch) gepostetes Video am

Videos & Photos of Tom Felton at Holly Con Tokyo’s Sign & Photo Session

Today was Tom Felton at the sign & photo session by Holly Con Tokyo (we reported here).
Thanks to Tom Felton Japan and HP Info Japan for the videos:

We also have a lot of photos of him. Thanks to all for the pics!

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More pics in our gallery.

Video & Photos of Tom Felton at USJ’s The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Last year was Tom Felton at the Grand Opening of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™ Theme Park at Universal Studios Japan (we reported here and here).
Now they announced a new attraction in their park – Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey™ in 4K3D.
The world’s leading attraction “Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey” has been evolved into 3D and will open tomorrow on May 21st as the first and only in the world.

Today was the press event and Tom and Katie Leung aka Cho Chang were there.

Below you can watch an interview with Tom and Katie by The Page

We also have some photos:

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Thanks to all for the photos!

Press Release:
To celebrate greater magic in the second year at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal Studios Japan, a ceremony for the announcement of “New Magical Experience” and its advance premiere was held today, May 20th (Wed).

The world’s leading attraction “Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey” has been evolved into 3D and will open tomorrow on May 21st as the first and only in the world. With Harry Potter film talent Tom Felton and Katie Leung, and Universal Studios Japan’s ambassador SMAP, a spell was cast upon the magnificent Hogwarts castle to celebrate the opening of this new experience.

Thunderous cheer was heard from three hundred Harry Potter fans wearing scarves of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at 19:40, when the ceremony started, the members of SMAP, Universal Studios Japan’s ambassadors, appeared on the stage in front of Hogwarts castle, and introduced Harry Potter film talent Tom Felton, who portrayed Harry Potter’s classmate and nemesis Draco Malfoy, and Katie Leung, who portrayed Cho Chang famous for Harry’s first crush, made an appearance with Glenn Gumpel, Chairman and CEO of USJ, Co., when he announced to open “Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey” in 4K3D, which has been evolved into 3D for the first time. The fans reacted with cheers and surprises.

Along with the fans, they all cast “Expecto Patronum” towards Hogwarts castle. Then the crowd squealed for joy as eagle, rabbit, weasel and stag Patronuses appeared on the walls of Hogwarts, followed by a special display of fireworks.

All the celebrities had experienced “Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey” prior to the ceremony. Tom commented, “It was always a great ride, now it’s even more immersive. I tried to grab the golden snitch several times. Then Katie said that I tried to grab the snitch but it was unsuccessful. Coming face to face with the dragon and Dementor was terrifying.

SMAP, who participated at the ceremony as Universal Studios Japan’s ambassadors made the following statements. Mr. Inagaki said “ I am not good at ride, but I became addicted to the ride attraction due to this Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey.” Mr. Kusanagi commented “ It is awesome. I want everybody to experience it.”

“Greater Magic in the 2nd Year. I was surprised that Universal Studios Japan made the world best which is beyond the own world best”, said Mr. Katori. “This attraction won’t disappoint the people who experience the ride last year and it is too awesome to remember the previous one “ Mr. Nakai commented. Mr. Kimura said that I was proud of having the world best and 1st entertainment in the world in Japan here.

CEO of USJ Co., Ltd, operating company of Universal Studios Japan, Glenn Gumpel made the following statement. “In 2014, so many guests visited The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Japan. I’d like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all of you. As promised Universal Studios Japan will continue to deliver the “World’s Best” entertainments and will keep taking on new challenges.

Ceremony Attendees
• Glenn Gumpel, CEO of USJ Co., Ltd
• Tom Felton, Actor, Draco Malfoy from the “Harry Potter” movie series
• Katie Leung, Actress, Cho Chang from the “Harry Potter” movie series
• SMAP, Universal Studios Japan Ambassadors
source: SnitchSeeker

REMINDER : Tom Felton will be at a sign & photo session in Tokyo on 24th May

UPDATE – more videos :