Feltbeats Interviews Tom on Instalive

Yesterday, Feltbeats.com had the opportunity to go live with Tom on Instagram and ask a number of questions submitted by fans. The conversation ranged from fun questions (is a hotdog a sandwich? what would his Patronus be?), to in-depth questions, such as what qualities Tom values most in friends, and his process for writing music.

He sings a number of songs throughout, including “Hang Me, Oh Hang Me” from the Coen Brothers’ film Inside Llewyn Davis, “She’s Electric” by Oasis, and his original, “Take Me Away“. Willow, Tom’s lovely Labrador, makes a few appearances, and “the greatest guitar player in the world” Tommy Emmanuel popped by in the comments to say hi too.

Tom also teased his idea to have an upcoming weekly “home party” on Instagram, where he’s hoping to talk to a number of friends, including on-screen Dad, Jason Isaacs. 

You can check Part 1 and 2 of the interview below, and a big thank you to all who joined, and to Tom for his time.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Tom answers fans’ questions (with transcript)

A week ago we at Feltbeats asked fans to submit questions on our Instagram and Twitter for Tom to answer, and we’re very pleased to be able to share the answers with you now!

A huge massive thank you to Tom for answering these fan questions! We’ve been looking for ways to keep spirits up during a difficult time in the world, and when we suggested this to Tom he replied “only if I get to sing the answers”! Wow! Thanks to everyone who submitted questions as well. We hope you enjoy! Here’s the IGTV link for you as well if you’d prefer to watch it on Instagram.

You can read a transcript of the Q&A under the cut below.

Continue reading

Jason Isaacs’ Videochat with Tom Felton – Part 1

Jason Isaacs did a video chat with Tom Felton.

Retired deatheaters Lucius and Draco Malfoy, aka Jason Isaacs (me) and Tom Felton (the young one), connect across the world to share their fears, hopes and tactics in the #covid19 crisis. Inspired by the BritishRedCross, who want us to keep talking because we’re all in this together. They also need to keep their services going for the most vulnerable and helpless in the country. If you want to help in any way – food, time, money, phone calls – anything – get involved. You’ll be glad you did: https://reserves.redcross.org.uk
#PowerOfKindness #PhoneAFriend #HarryPotter #Slytherin #tomfelton
Who will you call J.K. Rowling? x

credit: Jason Isaacs

Stay tuned for PART 2 ! 🙂

Tom Felton announced to attend Tampa Bay Comic Convention

Tom Felton announced to attend Tampa Bay Comic Convention in July.

The convention takes place at the the Tampa Convention Center, 333 S Franklin St, Tampa, FL 33602.

Tom is listed as attending on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th.

Get your tickets here !

Autographs are $80 & Photo-Ops are $80 (cash only)


Tom confirmed it to us, 


As always, there is always the chance of cancellation
due to work or personal commitments.
