New photos of Tom from his Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince photocall that took place in Tokyo, Japan are now online. You can check out our galleries for more.

Thanks, Estrella89san for the tip!
New photos of Tom from his Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince photocall that took place in Tokyo, Japan are now online. You can check out our galleries for more.
Thanks, Estrella89san for the tip!
For all of you that follow Tom on Twitter, you’ll remember that he posted about fellow Harry Potter actor Warwick Davis starting his own Twitter account there. Mr. Davis plays Professor Flitwick in the series, and has even taken over the role of Griphook.
Mr. Davis is just as engaged with his tweeters as Tom is, and he quite graciously agreed this morning to letting us here at share a photo Warwick had taken with Tom at the after party of the New York premiere of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
After the film, we were escorted to the magical white Audi for the journey to New York’s Museum of Natural History for the after premiere party. One of the museum exhibit areas had been themed to represent ‘Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes’ from the 6th film. As usual at a ‘Potter’ premiere, there were large amounts of sweet treats to tempt the post movie goers. With my sugar level at maximum after my chocolate raisins binge, I decided to give them a miss.
Outside, there was a scale replica of a Quidditch pitch, complete with projection of footage of the training session from the film. It is here we bumped into Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy). He’s such a nice chap. I first knew him when he was shorter than me for ‘Flitwick’s Charms Class’ back in 2001.
Thanks for letting us share this with Felton Fans, Mr. Davis!
For those of you who aren’t following him as of yet, you can do so here at WarwickADavis on Twitter.
It seems the jet lag has gotten to Tom during his journey half-way around the world for his promotional tour of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in Japan. Earlier today, Tom Tweeted about his difficulties in changing time zones so drasticallly.
3:38am in JAPAN. Me and Jade are totally jetlagged. We can’t sleep!!! So frustrating!!! ne tips??? Need to be up at 7am & be ready & awake!
If you were following his tweets, you would know that he then went on to have many a conversation with his followers in an effort to ease his anguish. But alas, it seems his sleepless night has caught up with him, and he has made the grave mistake of leaving his phone, and Twitter account, in the hands of Jade. 😉
Tom’s fallen asleep! He’s about to go live on TBS King Brunch! Time to wake him!……Jade xxx
Ah, the perils of jet lag… Thanks, Jade!
A new Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince poster featuring Tom with the “bad guys” is in this month’s Tribute Magazine out of Canada. Also included is a large feature on the entire Harry Potter series including synopsies of the all the films up to date, a list of characters, interviews with some of the cast, and a poster of the “good guys.” You can download the entire issue in .pdf format by clicking here.
I would recommend checking out the crossword puzzle on page 34. I don’t believe I need to tell you what the answer to 4 Down is. 😉
Source: The Leaky Cauldron