Belgium’s Joepie Magazine recently ran a spread of 6 questions they had asked Tom and he graciously answered. Thanks to Feltbeats Army member Shanajaca for the pic of the article and the translation.

1. How old were you when you had your first kiss?
12. We were playing a game of truth and dare and I had to kiss a girl. Everyone asked me if I knew how to. ‘Of course, I am a professional,’ I answered. Meanwhile, I was dying with nerves because I had never kissed a girl before. The kiss was ok but nothing special.2. Who is your celebrity crush?
Megan Fox. She always looks incredibly sexy!!! I am glad my girlfriend isn’t here to hear this!!3. What kind of girl do you like?
I like girlie girls! I don’t like girls who look like boys or girls wearing skinny jeans with a checked shirt where you have to look twice wether it is a boy or a girl! Just give me a girl in a nice dress!!4. What tv show do you like to watch?
“Gossip Girl” My girlfriend is a real fan and now she turned me into an addict. I used to watch it only with her, but I watch now even when she is not there.5. What is you worst habit?
I never answer text messages. It takes up to 3 days before I give an answer.6. Who is the love of your life?
My dog Timber, a Chesapeake Bay Retriever.
You can see the full scan of the article in our photo gallery.
I think he has already answered to the very same questions during his Press Junket in Canada, during the Premiéres tour for HBP. However, it’s very claer Timber is first into her young master’s heart!! *lol*
With Love,
Megan Fox?? Auch!
2. Who is your celebrity crush?
Megan Fox. She always looks incredibly sexy!!! I am glad my girlfriend isn’t here to hear this!!
LoL and now it’s up here, free for Jade to see. LoL
Who’d have thought there would be so many girls out there wishing they were a dog named Timber right now…
Haha, Joepie, I used to buy that magazine, but not anymore, damn xD (yeah i live in belgium)
I saw the article this afternoon in “Joepie” .. they always copy their interviews and than say it’s theirs.. I just think it’s funny..
Btw I kinda freaked out when Tom was in it.. I don’t buy the magazine anymore but gosh, when I saw it I was like: ‘It’s the first time tom’s in it! yay!!’
I know.
I should,because I’m one of them. 😛
What is ‘van’ and ‘naar’? Like, ‘before’ and ‘now’?
Btw I never knew any of the questions, so thank u!
Aah.. He likes sexy, girlie girls.. He must be thrilled when he got Jade.. Lol! X
ugh i’m totally judging him for saying megan fox was his celebrity crush. i was hoping he’d be less shallow and say an actress with more talent and personality.
he gets some points back for saying his dog is the love of his life 🙂 lol, some.
Yeah these questions and answers were all in Seventeen Magazine web site.
Lol, they are exactly the same questions and answers as in the BRAVO.
Girlie girls! Good Tom. Timber, thats good too.But Megan Fox, not so good.You must be more choiseful.
Van nottie naar hottie means: from nottie to hottie..
so ‘from’ and ‘to’ :p
“3. What kind of girl do you like?
I like girlie girls! I don’t like girls who look like boys or girls wearing skinny jeans with a checked shirt where you have to look twice wether it is a boy or a girl! Just give me a girl in a nice dress!!”
I really thought that you are going to say something like GIRLS WITH PERSONALITY, but no, ok I know nobody is perfect