The Danger Gang – The New Audiobook from Tom Fletcher Read By Tom Felton

Tom Fletcher shared great news last week :

WARNING: major news! We all know that Tom Felton and I can’t be in the same room as each other without the risk of the universe imploding BUT we can be on the same audiobook, which is why I am dangerously delighted to share the news that my fellow TF, the multi-talented, ever so handsome, wand waving, movie making, and downright lovely chap, TOM FELTON will be narrating the audiobook edition for my brand new book THE DANGER GANG (out October 1st). Here’s a sneak peak. Link in my story where you can pre-order.


PRE-ORDER HERE – The book will be released on October 1, 2020 – : 

Penguin Books – Audio Book – Download / Audio CD – Audio Book – Download Audible / Audio CD

James & Oliver Phelps’ Double Trouble podcast with Tom Felton

James and Oliver Phelps (Fred & George Weasley) publish a video podcast with interesting guests every week on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and where ever you get your podcasts. Three weeks ago they had Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley) as a guest and this week Tom Felton joined their podcast.

As promised – This weeks Double Trouble Podcast we have our old school mate, fellow HP hair dyed club member and good pal Tom Felton . We talk about our time on HP, time on the golf course and a lot of ther stuff. Hope you enjoy it. Who said that Weasleys and Malfoys can’t get along!? OUT NOW
source: James Phelps

Tom Felton Hosts Third Home Party, featuring Jamie Waylett, June Saito and Dylan Meek

Last Friday, Tom hosted his third Home Party with special guests Jamie Waylett (Crabbe), June Saito and Dylan Meek. 
He was joined by his good friend Derek Pitts and his dog Willow.

Tom used this live stream to raise money for There With Care via the new feature on the Instagram app. 
BTW, Tom will take part in the event “Continuing the Care – An Online Gathering” on 14th May 2020 by There With Care.


Jason Isaacs’ Videochat with Tom Felton – Part 1

Jason Isaacs did a video chat with Tom Felton.

Retired deatheaters Lucius and Draco Malfoy, aka Jason Isaacs (me) and Tom Felton (the young one), connect across the world to share their fears, hopes and tactics in the #covid19 crisis. Inspired by the BritishRedCross, who want us to keep talking because we’re all in this together. They also need to keep their services going for the most vulnerable and helpless in the country. If you want to help in any way – food, time, money, phone calls – anything – get involved. You’ll be glad you did:
#PowerOfKindness #PhoneAFriend #HarryPotter #Slytherin #tomfelton
Who will you call J.K. Rowling? x

credit: Jason Isaacs

Stay tuned for PART 2 ! 🙂