Tom Felton’s road trip – videos and photos from his IG Story

Tom Felton on his road trip (Canada to California)
via his Instagram story : 1st July – 4th July 2017.

DAY 1 – 1st July 2017

02_14084979_147954239088631_2947162449201070080_n 03_14161830_110597189569796_375296067685580800_n



DAY 2 – 2nd July 2017

16_14724300_809760172523843_202781370437599232_n 17_14742808_405225553211531_2496654400286621696_n 18_15973886_335031726928798_7902750862705950720_n

Update :

I think he means Day 2, because it was the same day 😉


DAY 3 – 3rd July 2017 – he wrote Day 4, but it must be Day 3 😉

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Update 2 :


DAY 4 – 4th July 2017


Upate 3 : He has arrived in Los Angeles.

Happy 29th Birthday, Tom Felton !

We here at Feltbeats are delighted to wish Tom a most joyous and delightful
29th birthday today!
May your birthday be full of happy hours and special moments to remember for a long long time!


To celebrate this wonderful day, we asked last month your fans to take part in our birthday project Random Acts of Felton and many fans submitted their Random Acts of Felton, which included volunteer work, charity runnings, donations to causes and more, along with random acts of kindness in your name.
You can read all the submissions and birthday wishes on our Tumblr .

tumblr-random-acts-of-feltonThese posts below are representative of the many congratulations were sent today via Twitter, etc. 😉

Have a wonderful day, Tom, from all of us here at Feltbeats!

Tom Felton Meets the Superfans airs on BBC Three to critical and fanatical acclaim

At 9pm on Monday, Tom Felton’s directorial debut Tom Felton Meets the Superfans aired on BBC Three in the UK! The much anticipated documentary was met with both critical acclaim and a massively positive fan response.

The Independent called it “the most compelling documentary of the evening”, while The Telegraph said it was a “joy” and “uplifting” in its portrayal of fan culture.

The hour long look into the lives of self proclaimed Superfans quickly trended on Twitter in the UK, and was soon shot to the top of the list:

The documentary provided insight for the unaware, and was unanimously declared an accurate, and thoughtful portrayal of fandom and fan culture by the fans themselves.

At the end of the show, Tom’s Harry Potter co-stars, the fan conventions and fansites, along with Superfans were all Tweeting the same thing: what a great experience!

Of course, there’s one major problem with the show… everyone wants more!!

As a group of people dedicated to promoting Tom and his work, we would like to take this time to thank Tom for his wonderful insight into a culture mostly thought of with derision by the general populace, if not overlooked entirely.

All of us have been involved in fandom for a long time, and for Tom to feel so strongly about our community, and treat it with such respect and understanding just makes us know we’re working with a man who is definitely worth our time and efforts.

If you were a poor soul who missed the show, you can catch it on BBC iPlayer.