It’s time to play catch-up, and this post has it all! Updates to Tom’s Twitter account, new interviews concerning the end of an era, and even a new image from Tom’s latest film, The Disappeared.
As promotions kick into high gear for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, we’re being treated to random interview tidbits from a variety of sources. At last week’s Harry Potter magical tour event in Leicester Square, Tom had the opportunity to talk with CBBC Newsround.
Draco Malfoy actor Tom Felton said the new film is definitely much funnier.
“There’s lots to look forward to,” he said. “I was laughing through the whole two hours.”
It sounds like the new film is just a bundle of laughs, or was Tom only reminiscing on what took place off camera during each scene, remembering fond times? In an interview given last year (but released last week) to Amy Raphael of the UK’s The Guardian, Tom expressed his wish to not take the remaining films for granted.
Although I only manage to shake Emma Watson’s hand as she swishes off to have her hair cut (she is the only key actor who doesn’t have time to talk, either because she’s busy getting three As at A-level or because she’s immersed in filming), her co-stars do indeed seem, if not fabulous, then at least grounded. Rupert Grint, whose Potter audition tape showed him rapping, is friendly and laid-back, while Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley) is unengaged but supremely professional. She says the kiss she has with Harry in The Half-Blood Prince was awkward but she “just got on with it”. Tom Felton, who plays the dastardly Draco Malfoy, says that after years of taking his job for granted, he’s taken a vow to enjoy the remaining films. “I’m going to take loads of photos and make sure I stay in touch with everyone …”
We hope Tom is able to stay in touch with everyone, too, but we have to ask about these photos he’s been taking. Will they include pictures of Tom with his hair wrapped in silver foil? Just today Tom tweeted about his first official day on set for filming of the last remaining Harry Potter films, Deathly Hallows Part 1 and Part 2.
Getting my hair dyed! 1st official day back! The pain of bleaching is about to start….ahhhhh
In comes the silver foil wrapped around my hairs that are about to get killed by the bleach!
Ouch! Sounds like those chemicals used to transform Tom into Draco aren’t pretty. Speaking as a former bottle blonde, I empathize.
Speaking of hair, Feltbeats.com Super Admin Misha was given the opportunity to write a fan review of Tom’s latest independent film The Disappeared, by new director Johnny Kevorkian. In a tantalizing teaser tweet of her own, she decided to share with us a screencap she was able to take from the film, reminding us that Tom didn’t always have the long hair he’s sporting now.
feltbeats: Made screen caps of @tomfelton in The Disappeared! Will release them with the Feltbeats.com Fan Review in July. Preview:
For those of you that remember, Feltbeats.com was able to give away free tickets to two screenings of the film in London recently. One of those screenings will occur tonight, and will be followed by a Question and Answer session that will include Tom and various other members of the cast and crew. Click on back to Feltbeats.com for the latest on this event as we hope to bring you new photos and interviews from our own Tom Felton.