As we previously reported, Tom Felton’s latest film “Belle” had it’s UK Red Carpet Premiere last evening. Feltbeat’s friend, and founder of Tom Felton Inc. Tina was in attendance as a guest of Director Amma Asante. Here is her account of the evening.

It was a dream come true. I was invited to attend the premiere of Belle and the after reception at the BFI Riverside Southbank 5th June 2014 as the guest of Amma Asante .
On the day just before we left I received an email with more exciting news there was to be an after party at the Hippodrome Casino Leicester Square and we were invited.
There was to be I private performance of Prince at 1.00 am .
The day was going to be one to remember .
We arrived at the venue and picked up our Tickets at 6 o’clock . After collecting our tickets we waited at the entrance onto the red carpet unfortunately Amma had already arrived.
Next to arrive was GuGu Mbatha Raw and then Sarah Gadon and Tom Wilkinson and his wife and Sam Reid but no sign of Tom and soon we would have to join and walk the Red carpet to be seated by 6.45pm.
A silver Mercedes people carrier pulled up and a woman got out followed by Tom then Jade . They were here. Tom and Jade with her parents. Jade and her parents carried onto the carpet and Tom was coming towards me looking healthy and great in a beautifully tailored three piece suit and showing a great tan and he saw me and said ” Hello Tina” and asked if I was hoping to see the film and I replied “Yes I’m going to see it with you in a moment as Amma’s guest ” Tom replied “Great see you in there” and Tom made his way meeting fans .
We made our way onto the carpet and the first person I saw was Jade and I stopped for a chat and photos . Unfortunately we were ushered into the Cinema but we did have enough time for a quick photo a great momento to mark the occasion.
Once inside we were allowed into the Auditorium and we took our seats . There was a complimentary Bottle of water and Bar of Chocolate . After a brief introduction the cast were invited onto the stage and Amma invited to say a few words , the cast then joined the audience Tom Wilkinson and his wife were sat at the end of the row in front of us and Tom was in the next block over .
The film is brilliant and I was not disappointed and each of the cast gave a great performance . Tom was terrific as James Mansford as the character you love to hate. There was light hearted moments that made you laugh as well as sad as we see Dido rejected for her color . As Tom told us he is really nasty to Dido . At the end of the film there was a tremendous applause that was well deserved . I’m sure it will be a huge success here in the Uk given the chance .
We left the cinema and headed towards the restaurant and it was on the way that I met up with Tom again and we chatted about the film but soon Tom was in demand and we parted.The reception was awesome plenty of food and drink . Bowls of delicious salad and Canapes that ended with desert of miniture chocoate tarts.
Where we stood a few of the cast filtered over and this was when we met Sarah Gadon a lovely sweet person . Eventually I went and found Amma who luckily enough was with Tom and friends so again it was a brief introduction and chat with Tom then Amma . Tom Wilkinson was free so I managed a chat with him . Gu Gu I saw a few times but not to
It was awesome to know you were in the same room with so may stars. I was so lucky and it was great fun .
Soon came the time for us to leave for the Hippodrome .
Buses were leaving at 10.15 and 10.45 for Leicester square but we shared a taxi with a couple as buses were delayed .
Once inside the Hippodrome again everything was free drinks and food . The Bars were on the upper level and the casino with the roulette tables were below and it was here that I caught my last glympse of Tom and Jade not sure though if they were winning or losing.
It was about 11.30 we went to where Prince was to perform and he came on at about 12.15 for one and a half hours. It was fantastic Sarah and Gugu were at the back just behind us . Prince had a T Shirt on with the Belle girls on and Gugu was mentioned a couple of times . He performed all of his hits including Purple Rain . Tom I believe was up in the balcony watching but had left by the time we came out so I found out .
This was truely a wonderful unbelievable day that I will never forget .
I will carry on supporting Amma and Tom and the cast of Belle . All lovely People and I will treasure the memories I have of this day my only regret was I never managed to have a photo with Tom and Amma but there was no time .
Can I just add it is wonderful to feel part of what is going to be a successful film .
Good Luck Tom you were GREAT!