We have some close-ups of Tom in Leicester Square, London from the Harry Potter Magical tour event he attended yesterday. Check out our photo gallery for even more!
Thanks to Estrella89san for sending them in!
Source: Contact Music
Some new wallpapers featuring Tom have sprung up via the Warner Brothers Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince website. While the images aren’t new, we thought we’d share them with you anyway. 🙂
From our intrepid European correspondent Estrella89san, here’s an image from the Jameson Empire Awards of Tom cropped for a more scruffier background look.
A new photo of Tom as Draco has appeared today via Oclumencia as part of the new banner at the top of their homepage. This image is just one of the many new one’s coming forth as media frenzy surrounding the upcoming release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince kicks into overdrive.
Source: Oclumencia
Here are a couple more videos of Tom in Paris at the Fnac signing last week. These are specials from various news outlets that have just recently been uploaded to YouTube. Thanks to Estrella89san for finding them for us!
Interview of Tom at 1:19-2:21 and 4:34-4:38 with plenty of screen time between 🙂