Another Interview, Another Metro Tom Felton Day

Another interview given by Tom has popped up today, this time on In it Tom discusses who the biggest diva was on the set of HBP, who his role model is, Draco and being typecast, his film The Disappeared, and whether or not he’s an adrenalin junkie.


Who’s your role model?

Tim Robbins in The Shawshank Redemption is my idea of a dream part. I love Jim Broadbent [Horace Slughorn] and Michael Gambon [Professor Dumbledore]. Everyone from Harry Potter, really, as they’re all such classy actors. Stuff they’ve done often goes under the radar in Hollywood but I think it’s some of the finest material out there.

What’s the worst thing you did as a boy?

It was miles away from anything Malfoy’s done. I didn’t chase the girls with worms or anything but I was quite quick to answer back in class. I was a bit of a mouth.

You go to Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry. Can you do any magic tricks?
I hate to say this but no. My magic is limited outside the walls of Hogwarts.

Thanks to AlessaB for the tip!

Everybody is talking about Tom Felton

Now that Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince has finally opened, the internet has been chock full of accolades heaped upon our Tom. No surprise, really, but to make things easier, thought we would compile some of these darling comments all for you one place. First up, from the press:

From the BBC:

Of more interest, however, is what’s different: Tom Felton gets a chance to do more than sneer as the tortured Draco Malfoy, Alan Rickman’s Snape comes to the fore, and even Rupert Grint gets to act beyond his usual Ron Weasley persona (he gets a snog, at least).

The Chicago Tribune:

Tom Felton returns as Malfoy, and he has suddenly turned into an menacing, lanky boy-man, resembling a dark-magic cross between Jonathan Pryce and film director David Lynch.

Rolling Stone:

As played by Tom Felton (at his best in Half-Blood Prince), Draco is the bully with the white-blond hair, the symbol of intolerance who thinks wannabe wizards born of Muggles don’t deserve a shot at a magical education. Watch the way Felton deftly layers the role with vulnerability as the series continues.

The California Chronicle:

Shaq McLean, a fan of Tom Felton who plays Draco Malfoy, said “through [Felton’s] acting, you can really see the pain he’s going through.”

The Manilla Bulletin:

Also worthy of mention is the mission-driven Draco Malfoy ably played by Tom Felton. All of a sudden, Draco graduates from the resident Hogwarts boy-bully as he was tasked to do something Voldemort himself failed to do in the past. Felton played Draco with the right mix of fear and anger.

Diamondback Online:

In Half-Blood Prince, Felton is handed some weighty material and a substantial increase in screen time, and the largely untested actor more than holds his own.

The Buffalo News:

And Tom Felton nails the terrified, desperate, trapped Draco Malfoy— a feat, considering how one-dimensional Malfoy’s character has been up until now.

Felton, on the other hand, has fully embraced his character’s pivotally evil role in the series. He appreciates that certain features are key in establishing a villain as iconic, which is how he views Draco: the cold eyes, the pasty face, the affectation or standout feature (i.e. Bond villain Blofeld’s cat).


One performance of note would be that of Tom Felton, who plays Draco Malfoy. Because his character has always been somewhat more bark than bite, Felton has never really done much in the movies other than look creepy but accomplish nothing. However, in this one, he is able to do more as he shows some of Malfoy’s conflicted feelings.

Now, not only has the press been saying good things about Tom, so has his cast-mates, in particular good friend Daniel Radcliffe.

In USA Today:

“Tom has risen to the challenge brilliantly,” he says of Felton’s Malfoy. “And he’s a great guy. He’s absolutely lovely and normal.”

Both Radcliffe and Felton play characters that legions of fans think they know, thanks to the books and films. On set, the actors do know each other, as well or better as kids who have been in the same small class together through elementary, middle and high school years.

“We know each other so well, or at least we’ve been around each other so long that we’re comfortable with each other,” Radcliffe says about his youthful co-stars. “I have close personal friendships with all of them, as well as working relationships. When I’m just listening to my music or something, they won’t feel the need to talk to me. And they will know I’m not being rude by not talking to them. We just have that mutual understanding. That’s what’s great about this set. People know what you’re like.”

From indieLONDON:

Q. How was your first real fight with Tom [Felton]? Knowing each other so well was it difficult getting angry with one another?

Daniel Radcliffe: It had been building up… me and Tom had been stemming the flow for years and now we got to fight each other. It was great. For me it was brilliant because Tom’s been – I think it’s fair to say – quite underused in the other films, things have happened and there hasn’t been so much of Malfoy. Luckily, this time around Malfoy gets a real showing and Tom does brilliantly and it was a pleasure to act alongside him.

And on The Today Show:

“He is amazing,” Dan said… “This film belongs to Rupert Grint and Tom Felton.”

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.

Tom Felton in the Hero Complex at LA Times

The LA Times has been doing an article a day for weeks now leading up to the release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and they quite rightly saved the best for last. Today’s article in the Hero Complex features an interview with Tom where he discusses working with David Yates and Michael Gambon, filming the Astronomy Tower sequence with the “cream of British actors,” typecasting, music, and the future.

On working with Michael Gambon:

TF: I was obviously very scared about having a one-on-one scene with him. But early on we met up and we got on really well. He’s a character beyond character, anyone will tell you that. He’s got more stories than an encyclopedia and he’s a wealth of knowledge and comedy. It’s just a joy to be around him. Every time there was a break, I would take it as a good opportunity to have a cup of tea with him, asking questions and stuff like that.

What he will miss most:

TF: The whole cast and crew. It’s a great atmosphere when we’re all there together on set. I suppose we wont’ have that again. I’m sure we’ll keep in touch, but we won’t all be under the same roof. I got on very well with young Daniel. We’re both cricket fans so there’s plenty of cricket chat going on between the pair of us. There’s no one I don’t get along with. We all click rather well.

His future plans:

TF: I have a couple of film projects in the run. “In Between the Waves” is a film I’m hoping to do next spring. It’s about two boys, two keen surfers who travel around Europe on a mad surfing road trip. I used to skateboard, and I’ve been snowboarding, and I’ve been told that if I can do those, I’ll be all right. But I’ve never been on a surfboard.

Source: LA Times Hero Complex

Wrap-up: Tom Felton at HBP Premiere in New York

It’s officially been six days since Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince premiered in New York. If you were around and watching then, you know we kept you up to date as quickly as possible when we turned the site into a Live Blog for the event. Now we’re here to wrap it all up in a pretty bow to present to you all New York coverage in one place.

For more pics of Tom in New York, check out either our press gallery, or the photos from Feltbeats Army members on the scene (the Feltforce) gallery.

First up, some videos from the press line.

Tom doesn’t appear in this one until approximately 7 minutes in.

And now we see him talking with some fans!

For even more fan reactions to Tom as he walked by the crowd, you can check out these other videos on YouTube.

Tom talks to the Feltbeats Army
Acknowledgements to the Fans
Bubble Amusement
A really excited fan with narration (Tom’s near the end)
Tom Felton zooms by
Tom Felton zooms by one again

And just for a laugh… Did he wear the same shirt to his GMTV spot? Regardless, this is a hoot. Watch me.

For various press (print) reactions to the New York premiere, you can check out the following links. These are mostly small blurbs about how amazing he is, how hot he is, or fan reactions from the press line.
Socialite Life
Ace Showbiz
Little About