New Pic of Tom Felton in Japan’s “Screen” Magazine

In the August 2009 edition of Japan’s Screen Magazine, there is a 25 page article concerning the upcoming release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. While we are still waiting on a translation of the article itself, we wanted to share with you the lovely new pic of Tom courtesy of Chinamin, the administrator at The Unofficial Tom Felton fan page for Japanese.

In this picture with Tom from behind-the-scenes of the Sectumsempra bathroom sequence is HBP Director David Yates.

To view the full page scan featuring this photo, please check out our galleries.

Thanks, Chinamin!

New pic of Tom Felton in Cinemania Magazine

Mexico’s Cinemania magazine features a lengthy article on Tom’s new film Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, in theatre’s July 15. It features a new still photo of Tom as Draco from the same shoot as the black and white promotional image released last August. You can see that photo by clicking here.

To see the entire page with Tom’s picture, please click here. To read the entire article (in Spanish) featuring new photos of Daniel Radcliffe, Alan Rickman, and many others, check out

8 out of 10 users agree it’s a new pic of Tom Felton.

Tom’s tweeting again, and this time he decided to grace us with another photo. It is from The Disappeared showing he attended earlier this week.

At The Dissapeared screening with Johnny Kervorkian and Harry Treadaway; great night! X

Also included in today’s tweets was a reminder to those of you in the UK about his appearance tonight on 8 out of 10 Cats.

I’m on 8 out of 10 cats tonight! Nervous to watch it with my friends later!!! Hope I did ok!!!!!

If anyone is able to record this episode, and would like to share it with those of us unable to watch (like me!) send it in!

The show’s website had this to say concerning tonight’s lineup:

As always, there’s a load of frolicks from the enigmatic trio that is Jimmy Carr, Jason Manford and Sean Lock. This week’s guests are Alan Cumming, Lauren Laverne, Tom Felton and Richard E Grant.

Sounds fabulous! Thanks for sharing, Tom!

Tom Felton: Bad Boy Found

Entertainment Weekly just released it’s Enfants Terrible: 31 Hateful TV/Movie Children list, and number one is Tom’s portrayal of Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter series.


Blonde or not, according to The Disappeared director Johnny Kevorkian, there were plenty of kids willing to approach the bad boy portraying actor while they were filming. In fact, their presence ended up benefiting the film, even if it did take a bribe out of Draco’s book in order for it to happen.

“We tried to keep in the background, but as soon as the kids on the estate got wind that Tom Felton (of the Harry Potter films) was there, they ran around asking for autographs, but it helped us befriend the locals who were absolutely lovely. … In the playground scenes we had to stop the kids running around: we’ll give you an autograph if you sit still for a few minutes, and they were great.”

For more information on the filming, casting, and making of The Disappeared, read the rest of Johnny’s interview with Matthew F. Riley at The Great White Space.