Tom was quite popular as a gift recipient yesterday as he celebrated his 23rd birthday. Not only did he receive blessings from us, he received them from a variety of other fan-sites, websites, and individuals across the world. As we did last year, we thought we would compile as many of them as we could for him to “open” all at once (if he hasn’t “opened” them already).
From all of us here at he received,
The Feltbeats Addicts Band wrote and performed the following song, “Timber’s Lullaby” in honor of Tom and his beloved pet, Timber.
Tom also received fabulous videos by Pinayangelhottie, TheDreamerCola, Rylee1, PunkxPrincess28, PadfootHPForever, NicolleFeelTheBeat, Barbiegemenis, xxxEvelinaHxxx, and 4everSaddleseatRider.
His fans in Hungary sent in this message…

…while his fans in Thailand announced the complete translation of his Wikipedia entry into Thai.
We are Tom Felton fans from Thailand. We had translated English Wikipedia article in to our language, Thai,ทอม_เฟลตัน as a tribute to Tom on his 23rd birthday.
Just Jared Jr. felt Tom needed to hear wishes whether he was “hiding” like he stated he would the other day or not, and they implored fans to send them to him anyway, regardless of his online status.
Happy Birthday, Tom Felton!
JJJ’s favorite fantasy villian from the Harry Potter series turns 23 today!
Tom tweeted just days before, “birthday in two days = time to turn my phone off and hide!” Do you think he should?
Tom is currently filming Rise of the Apes opposite Freida Pinto and James Franco.
LEAVE Tom your Happy Birthday wishes here or send them to Twitter @TomFelton!
Various “Harry Potter” related websites also wished Tom the best this year. Snitchseeker spoke glowingly of his resume stating, “Out of all the young stars from the Harry Potter series, Tom has probably the widest range of projects outside the movies.” He was Magical-Menagerie’s “favorite baddie” in their post, while Harry Potter’s Page linked to us and our video (thanksies!!!) while requesting that all their readers come and join us in our celebrations. Probably the funniest of all the birthday greetings came from The Leaky Cauldron ~ they wished him a happy 22nd instead of 23rd. It’s his favorite number, so that’s okay.
And last, but certainly not least, are the multitudes of photo wishes Tom received from many of his fans across the Twitter-verse. Here are just a very few we found by doing a simple search at Twicsy of Tom’s name.
From all of us here at, we hope you had not only a fabulous birthday, Tom, but thoroughly enjoyed opening all of your gifts. xx