HD Video of Tom Felton’s last Q&A Session at Dragon*Con

Feltbeats.com was given special permission to record Tom’s interviews while he was in attendance at Dragon*Con in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. This last set of videos are from his final Q&A session of the event, and thanks to Feltbeats Admin BSerLori and Feltbeats Army member SouthernBets, we were able to capture the hour long program on two separate cameras. So yes, I edited the best bits of Tom together, just for your enjoyment. 😉

Some highlights from this final session include a touching, memorable tribute to his Mum and Dad for letting him live his dream, a remarkably funny impression of Alan Rickman that had me dying in my seat, and a poignant, hilariously careful choice of words when talking wistfully about his good friend Daniel Radcliffe. But best of all, let’s not forget that birthday shout out he did for Feltbeats Webmaster Misha that included his thanks to her for starting this site and bringing all of us together.

Want More Videos of Tom Felton in Greece? Coming Right Up!

Thanks, elliegeorgiou
Sometimes the Videos are sideways, just so you know.

[Close up of Tom Felton here, as she gets to the front of the line.]

Thanks, marionefelo

Thanks, PennyRef

Thanks, aaepal

Thanks, MarakiTokioHotel [The sound in this video is really good, I think.]

Obviously, since most of these are from the Q&A, you’re going to see a lot of repeats, but in different perspectives and qualities.

Thanks to all the uploaders.

And Enjoy, everyone!

Tom Felton in Greece: Videos- Part Two

Here are more videos of Tom Felton and Evanna Lynch at their Q&A at The Mall in Athens. Some of them are of the actual Q&A, like the video posted in the last update, but we get to hear more of the questions, even though there are repeats.

Thanks, Vasso20.

And, last, but hopefully not least, thanks to HarryPotterFansGR

Thanks again, you guys. And everyone else: ENJOY!

Tom Felton and Daniel Radcliffe Talk with TMS today at the Cricket Match

BBC TMS [Test Match Special] had a special interview today with Dan and Tom while they were at the Ashes Cricket Match.

You can download or listen to the interview directly on the website here.

Thanks to Feltbeats Admin Lumalfoy for pointing this out.

Enjoy! It’s amusing!

Here are a couple of pictures of Stuart Broad, the English Cricket player who everyone claims has a bit of Tom Felton/Draco Malfoy charm about him: Picture one and Picture two.

There are more pictures of the podcast in our gallery.