As news heats up for the release of Tom’s latest adventure as Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter series, random Tom related goodness from past events and appearances have been fighting their way to the surface.
“Don’t forget about us!” they cried.
Really, how could we resist such a passionate plea?
From Feltbeats Reporter Estrella89san, we have a few videos with this first one dating back to 2004. Since neither of us had ever seen it, we thought you may not have, too.
The next two videos are quite a bit more recent than our young and impressionable Tom of above. First up is a short video from Paris from Reuters.
This next one comes to us from Daily Motion, and I find it quite amusing. It’s quite long and edited as if it were a short film, so Tom appears a few times. It, too, is also from his sojourn in Paris.
In a bizarre twist of being in two places at once, Fence Post.com had Tom participating in a Dirt Tour last week when he was tweeting about being onset for his next great adventure as Draco. Don’t worry, we checked. This was some other Tom Felton. 😉
And now that our journey has brought us back to present day, this is just a friendly reminder to those of you in London about Tom’s appearance at the iTunes Festival. If you remember, we posted about his opportunity just the other day after he tweeted about it.
While I’m keen on my twittering…I’m going to the iTunes festival at the Roundhouse Sat night…Having a little interview there..
They asked me if I wanted to play the guitar….major deliberations…too many amazing musicians around me to have the courage I’m thinking.
If any more news from tonight’s appearance comes our way, Feltbeats.com will let you know.